Looking Ahead 10 Years: College Majors Edition
One of my favorite excursions I took while I studied abroad in Sweden was to Copenhagen, Denmark.
Sure college is tough, but so is life so you may as well embrace the journey.
When I started college a long long time ago, I wish someone had trampled all over the fantasy world I was living in. I was in a state of euphoria because I was starting college, I believed I was this uber mature adult... Read More
I interviewed a couple of my newfound friends from different countries to get an idea of how study abroad comes with both unrecognizable difficulties as well as life-changing miraculousness! If you're at all interested... Read More
"I am going to read so much this summer!" 3 months later "How did I only read one book?" Is this you? Well then my article is your kind of read.
Do you ever feel that there are numerous opportunities (internships, job shadowing, employment...) and not enough time in a day to choose both?
The longest and most tiring portion of any study abroad trip is the trips to and from your destination. Here are some tips to keep you sane in flight.
When I first began to consider returning to school to pursue my degree, I admit to a fair amount of trepidation about whether or not I should do it. I began going over my past attempt, and why it didn’t work.
Today, I am going to discuss the value of having an agenda and how you can learn to love yours!
Now in my third year of obtaining my English degree, I am very excited to be that much closer to starting my dream career. While a degree is certainly a step in the right direction, there are a few additional steps... Read More