3 Things to do before graduation
Innovation for Profit Introduction
We all know that there's value to an internship, but is it something every student should do? The Intern Queen, Lauren Berger, believes so and we agree 100%! We are so excited that we got the chance to chat with Lauren... Read More
I’ve been mulling over just how to discuss the most polarizing topic currently in the news – the relationship between law enforcement and people of color.
Every spring semester I find myself yearning for summer time; the sun, days at the pool, summer camps for the kids and break for me. Yet, every single summer I end up registering for classes. During the summer, I hate... Read More
For new students in particular, college can seem very overwhelming, so much so that it’s easy to feel lost in the crowd. Getting involved on campus can not only help new college students adjust to college life, but also... Read More
After 10 years of working towards my degree, at one point as a single mother, I am finally on the home stretch. Yay! Through this journey I have learned, the hard way, how to be a successful student without neglecting... Read More
I recently attended a couple pre-departure orientation meetings sponsored by NAU and learned some valuable information about proper etiquette while visiting other countries. Always remember to research a country and it'... Read More
S.T.E.M is coming full force into the collegiate level exploding the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.
Should You Hire One?
We’re starting in London, England, cup of tea in hand, ready to begin our journey across Europe. For those considering studying abroad or looking for adventure I want to give you the locals’ scoop on traveling, in this... Read More